Frequently asked questions

Here you can find all the key things you need to know about clinical supervision.

Who will be offered supervision and how will it work?


We are delivering clinical supervision on a one-to-one basis for all Band 8 and Band 7 nursing staff. Band 6 and Band 5 staff have access to training and supervision via the Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA) programme.

Until March 2024, all eligible staff can benefit from two 'one-to-one' sessions with their supervisors, each lasting for one hour.

All supervision is delivered virtually via MS Teams.

Book supervision


How will it be delivered and by whom?


Clinical supervision is conducted with your supervisor virtually via MS Teams. There is no planned face-to-face supervision at this time.

All our supervisors have many years of experience in the NHS and have been/are still working at a senior level of practice. The supervisor will, in the first instance, agree the contract (see the Trust policy), which you will sign and return to the supervisor for safekeeping.

We ask for feedback after each session to help us ensure the supervision meets your needs.

See available supervisors


Is it compulsory?


Whilst it is not compulsory, we recognise it is good practice for individuals to have clinical supervision and we are fully committed to enabling staff to participate.

Recent research highlights that frontline nursing, midwifery and Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) face enormous mental health challenges such as burnout, high levels of fear and anxiety.

In order to safeguard the mental health and wellbeing of our non-medical registered clinical workforce and to support recruitment and retention, we are encouraging everyone to participate..

Book supervision


Are you expected to do this in your own time?


No, we are committed to ensuring clinical supervision is delivered within work time unless you choose to book in your own time, in which case you will be able to claim the time back.

We realise this may be a challenge for some staff, but with all of us working together we expect it will become an important component of practice that everybody values and wants to maintain.

Book supervision


Is it confidential?


Yes, the boundaries of confidentiality within clinical supervision will be upheld unless the session includes anything that is illegal, contrary to the code of conduct, or contravenes the policy of the Trust.

In which case, you and your supervisor will agree how the session will be escalated and the actions each of you will take. It is expected that in this event, escalation will occur through to NHS Elect and the Trust.

Book supervision


Will a record be kept?


Yes, a record of each supervision session will be kept by the supervisor and the Trust will be made aware that you have had it via a monthly report. We also strongly advise you to record it in the e-roster when you book your session.

Book supervision

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

“Clinical supervision underpins the very essence of good care, and without it clinicians cannot develop their knowledge, skills and abilities.”

— Donna Davenport, Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University