Benefits of supervision

There are lots of benefits of clinical supervision, for staff, for patients and for West Herts. We’ve highlighted five key ways it could benefit you below.

1. Time to focus on you

Clinical supervision will give you a dedicated hour away from clinical duties, to talk and reflect on things that could help you going forward.

2. Develop your clinical skills

The time you spend with your clinical supervisor will help you become more aware of your strengths and weaknesses, and enable you to work on the areas that are important to your development.

3. Reduce your stress

Clinical supervision is known to be a great stress-reliever, and regular conversations with an independent and friendly supervisor could help you to unwind.

4. Increase your confidence

Many staff who have participated in clinical supervision have reported an increase in confidence as a result of the skills they have developed as well as greater understanding and control over their development.

5. Contribute to your revalidation

Participation in clinical supervision can be used towards the 35 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) required for revalidation and can be counted as ‘participatory learning’.